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Self-improvement book Collection: Face Yourself!

Facing yourself, understanding how you work and how you react, is a necessary basis for your development.


This book collection is your guide to see clearly the entrenched automatisms of your behaviour, to recognise the hidden drivers of your relationships with others and to free yourself from self-limiting thoughts.

If you are looking for a conventional self-improvement book, this is not for you. Peter bluntly gets in your face about your behavioural problems and shows you how they affect you and others. Plus, you get a practical guide on how to face yourself and change your behaviour in a positive way.
vas timi
establisher of Don't Panic English

Recommended for you if:

◊ you are moody, powerless

◊ you feel tense, stressed

◊ you have no goals,

◊ if you have goals, you feel they are unattainable

◊ you find it difficult to express your emotions

◊ you react suddenly and violently

Nevtelen terv698

This is not the usual "think positive and everything will work out" type of self-improvement book

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Understanding our own functioning and reactions, and thus facing ourselves, is the basis for any positive change. Somehow nobody likes to talk about this, perhaps because it is not necessarily a pleasant subject.

Awareness, about understanding yourself, your reactions, the reasons for your successes and possible failures, is vital. The good news is that you don’t need to be a psychologist to understand and apply some behavioural laws.


Face Yourself – The Road To Your New Yourself!


You’ll be brave enough to take on new things, you’ll make decisions easily

You will be more confident in new situations and new relationships that life throws at you.

You’ll find it easier to make the right decisions and take responsibility for your own choices.

You will see less successful situations not as failures but as lessons learned, so you will do even better next time.


You will be able to communicate assertively, asserting your own interests and opinions while giving others the respect and understanding they deserve.

This is essential if you want to get ahead in your career and earn more money. In addition, you will not be subordinate to others in your relationship or family.


First, you get right with yourself.

This will help you to have well-functioning and stable relationships. You’ll feel much better at work, you’ll love your job again. You can create a harmonious atmosphere, a happy family, better relationships with your parents, partner, children, and even serve as a positive role model for them.

The book is an incredibly powerful tool to map yourself. It is a guide to getting in touch with yourself, how to recognise your own processes and how you behave with yourself and your environment. All with experiences and stories that are sure to make you smile! I would make it a must for everyone!
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Read in the book collection!

Enter your email address and we’ll send you two complete ebooks of the collection for absolutely free!


PGME BookOpenBook Mockup V02 1

• Why do we behave the way we do?
• Behavioural scenarios
• Haunted by the past
• Are you self-harming or a public danger?
• Are you an influence on others
• and more …

PGME BookOpenBook Mockup V02 2

• Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
• Awareness of our emotions
• When we fail to “get a grip” on emotions
• Rationalization
• Suppressing emotions
• and more…

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• Facts about the foundations of trust
• Communication breakdown
• The risk in words
“I’ll lend you that red dress so you
look good too!” – Hidden devaluation
“Don’t you know that? How long have you been doing this?” – Cynicism
• and more…

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• The anatomy of stress
• The psychology of responsibility
• The bad news is that you are in charge
• Signs of responsibility – nonresponsibility
• The familiar excuses
• and more…

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• Confrontation is not confrontation
• Recognise your own reactions!
• Attack
• Avoidance
• Backing away
• and more…

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• The power of goals
• The homing missile
• The scattering trap
• The critical point
• The comfort of habituation
• What should we do? – grinding in uncertainty
• and more…

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Self-esteem or self-limitation?

• The roots of low self-esteem
• Failures, failures
• Devaluing environment
• Self-deprecating automatism
• Restore your self-esteem!

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• Those particular roles
• The “I’m fine” mask
• Dare to let go of the mask!

It's a stark realisation of how many situations in life can and should be different, where we have to take responsibility for ourselves. I would like to implement all the self-improvement exercises that I learned from the book..
kovacs kristof

YOU are the solution - turn your face, your life towards your own life

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The Hungarian edition of Face Yourself has already been purchased by over 5,000 people!

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Face Yourself Book Collection (8 books- 258 pages- PDF)

Get the entire collection NOW!
$ 71
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Reading this book will give you a taste of what it's like to look in the mirror. You'll see the unvarnished truth, face yourself, and then you can decide whether you want to change, or reassure yourself that you're fine the way you are. If you are even a little bit open to doing something for yourself, this book is in good hands! It takes a readable, but also professional, approach to the areas of psychology that can help you to improve yourself. Turn it to good use!.
KMphoto 71 pp scaled 1
Kinga Szabó Phd
associate professor, Babeș-Bolyai University

I’m Peter Kaszás, a Hungarian expert in leadership psychology and the founder of PersonalGuide


I graduated as a teacher, after which continued my studies in the fields of education and psychology of learning motivation.

Since 2004 I have been involved as a consultant in organisational development and leadership training programmes for hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises in Hungary.

As a leadership psychology expert I have been researching people’s behavioural automatisms, motivation and cooperation in work.

I am the author of four highly successful books in Hungary: From Subordinate to Ally (Beosztottból Szövetséges), Face Yourself (Nézz szembe önmagaddal!), Motivated staff exist (A motivált munkatárs létezik) and Everyone is happy differently (Mindenki másképp boldog(ul).

I conduct hundreds of behavioural analyses every year, manage dozens of leadership development programmes and I am invited to speak at numerous conferences.

This book seems simple, kind, sometimes humorous. But when reading, you realise it's not a joke, it's hard reality, and it's about you. And about the others. Here you have to decide if you dare to face yourself. I say it's worth it, and eternal thanks to Peter for writing this book.
Meszaros Robert BrandBirds 03 e1568900471858
branding mentor, BrandBirds