

Love Yourself Unconditionally and Nurture Your Self-Worth


Self-love is about treating yourself as well as you would treat anyone you love.  You can’t do as much for others when you don’t make yourself a priority, too. 

You have to live with yourself every minute of the day, so you may as well enjoy your company!

Self-love is largely the result of your habits. In 30 days, you can discover how wonderful you are. 

We can think of self-love as a desire to give our own well-being a level of importance and respect. If you love yourself, you have regard for yourself. But most of us have been conditioned to believe that we should put ourselves last. We do this under the guise of caring about others or modesty. However, this is very self-defeating.

Once you have really acknowledged the truth, it will prompt you to make an immediate decision.

No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, you should never forget that you always have choices. 

“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.”-


The keys to loving yourself are to know yourself and to be on a path to become a person that you respect.

What will change by the end of the 30 days?

You’ll be braver, you’ll know yourself – really know yourself – and you’ll see how lovable you are. 

You’ll be more honest with yourself, better communicator, more understanding with others.

Your life will “blossom” again, you will see your future, you will be able to set goals, your relationships and your everyday life will be a joy!

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Are you using the right criteria to measure your self-worth?

30-day to Self-Love - Worksheets

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Love yourself!

Loving yourself as much as possible may take a lifetime, but the good news is that you’ll only enjoy life more as you learn to love yourself more. 

Begin thinking about how you can move forward from this new starting point. This is only the beginning of the awesome future that awaits you!

Self-love is largely the result of your habits. In 30 days, you can discover how wonderful you are. 

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“If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of.  
There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

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